Ham Radio Deluxe questions & answers

Control your transceiver using its built-in computer aided control interface
Question by Paul (N8IG)
February 3, 2016

I'm trying to download the latest version (I understand that I can use it for 30 days free). When I try to download I keep getting sites/messages to download drivers, etc and can't get to a decent site without loading, or potentially loading a lot of malware/spyware.

Is there a place I can do it? Get a CD/DVD/etc? I'm using a free version and it is working somewhat, but can't get DM780 to connect. I'm getting frustrated. Would like to use it and like what I see so far, but want to be sure that I can get it to do the rest.

I'm using a Kenwood TS480HX, and will use a TS450S (when it gets back), plan to use psk31 and would like to use the remote feature (with laptop), and a West Mountain Radio Rigblaster Advantage. Can you help to make it easier? I'm not a computer whiz, but then am not computer illiterate (totally, although sometimes I wonder). I do like the reviews that I've seen so far.

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Answer by Alex Urbach

When you visit the download page at Software Informer, look down and you'll see something like this:

Click to viewenter image description here

Click the first green download button, and the software will begin to download.

If you need additional information or buying information, use the following link: http://ham-radio-deluxe.com/purchase.html

Question by Guest
March 24, 2015

Ham Radio Deluxe will not run on Windows 7 64bit. What to do?

Answer by Sean Hill

Actually, the software is running just fine in Windows 7 64bit. I have downloaded the latest version from the official website and I installed it without errors. I recommend you check the official website to download the application.

Official website: http://www.ham-radio-deluxe.com/downloads.html
Latest version:

Click to viewenter image description here

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