v6.2.72.294 [Feb 8, 2014]
1. FT-1200 Support
2. OMNI VI support
3. HRD Voice
4. updated Label-maker
5. ADX support
6. FT-767 GX II support
7. Support for IC-9100 in Satellite mode to use VFO B.
8. Added WA9PIE-2 cluster support
9. Unicode support
10. Moved code to Visual Studio 2013, which decreased load time of programs
11. Improved K3 and KX3 support
12. Support for the Flex 6700 with SmartSDR
13. Better Windows 8.1 support
14. Yaesu SCU-17 support
15. Orion KY keyer support
16. ClubLog support
17. Dstar Icom radio support ID-3 and ID-5
18. FSK fixes (updated)
19. PSK Reporter fixes
20. Logbook and Cluster fixes
21. Radio Control fixes, Kenwood, Yaesu, and more
22. IC-9100 Dual VFO Satellite Support
23. Fixes for LOTW
24. Logbook fixes
25. Icom A/B and QSX fixes
26. Line colors based on WSI in the logbook
27. ID-5100 support
28. updated license manager
29. RC fix for VCP ports...
30. Multiple QSO's on a single label.
31. Make your own QSL
32. Alinco supportm DX SR8/9, DX77
32. HRD WSI Filters
33. Support for rotors controled by CAT in the FTDX series of radios.
v6.1 [Jul 25, 2013]
- Fixed lookups for DL calls returning Germany (deleted) and fixed lookups for slashed calls.
- Fixed send lat/lon/loc to Logbook - correcting bad bearing/distance in log entry
- Moved State field to "Add" tab
- Enabled eQSL and LoTW membership check in Lookup Pane
- Made Locator toolbar distance honor global setting
- Added CW decode to Supersweeper
- Fixed FSK reverse problem
- Fixed status bar solar data display of K index (NOAA changed wwv.txt format)
- Added oldest or newest matching QSO data to awards ("Show All")
- Added support for auto-update of awards credits for LoTW DXCC and WAS on LoTW download
- Made all date displays honor Windows system settings date format
- Added forms reports - scan a form and then configure to populate with selected QSO data. DXCC
- Application form included for example
- Fixed issues with HRDlog.net transfers
- Cluster - fixed AR cluster to not error if distance/bearing columns shown in layout (AR cluster does not include locator data)
- Tweeks to QSX from cluster spots
- Password fields for LoTW up/down now echo
- Changed fonts on QSL labels
- Extensive modification of Awards Tracking to incorporate new ADIF 3.0.4 "Credits" enumeration
- Added support for Yaesu FTDX-3000
- Added support for Kenwood TS-990
- Button fixes - too many to list
- Added DCU-2 and DCU-3 to the rotor program options.
- Removed support for skinning
- Fixed various misspellings and appearance issues
- Revamped license manager interface, fixed bugs with license manager